This event is organised in collaboration between Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems (GeDIS) group at the University of Kassel, Germany, and in Newcastle, UK

The main organisers are:

Prof Claude Draude

Claude is professor at Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science, and adjunct professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Kassel, Germany. She leads the research group Gender/Diversity in Informatics Systems (GeDIS and is on the director’s board of the Research Center for Information System Design (ITeG She works with approaches from intersectional feminist STS, critical theory, new materialism, arts and design in computing.

Nana Kesewaa Dankwa

Nana Kesewaa Dankwa is currently a PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Kassel. She holds a Master of Science in Computer Science and Media from the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany and a Master of Science in Information Technology from the Sikkim Manipal University in India. Her undergraduate studies in Ghana was in Mathematics and Computer Science. Her research interests are in Human Computer Interaction, Socially Responsible Computing and Critical Design approaches. She is currently working on the INTeGER project and has major interests in exploring participatory approaches that empower users and tackles the embodiment of oppression and marginalization in tech. She is also interested in race and culture and how these are translated during tech design and development. Her current work with elderly women living alone explores new perspectives and opportunities for the design of smart home technology.

Dr Angelika Strohmayer

Dr. Angelika Strohmayer is a senior lecturer and co-director of the newly established Design Feminisms Research Group at Northumbria University’s School of Design. Her collaborative in-the-world work sits at the intersection of technologies, craft, safety, social justice, and feminisms - contributing to theoretical conversations through applied research methods. She is dedicated to the inclusion of under- and mis-represented people in research, design, and academia, and proactively works towards equity, diversity, and inclusion. Some of this is shown through her work as a founding member of, an international technology research collective, and her co-editing of the ‘Meaningful Design Processes’ Forum in the ACM Interactions Magazine. In all that she does, Angelika tries to work across boundaries, bringing together disparate groups to engage in endeavours that support personal wellbeing, counteracting community traumas, and engaging in public advocacy to move towards more socially just worlds.

Dr Rosanna Bellini

Dr. Rosanna Bellini is researching how we built moral responsibility into digital tools that encourage perpetrators of domestic violence to desist from abusive behaviours. Her work frequently crosses into other digital service delivery in sensitive spaces including sexual violence, bullying and harassment, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, particularly within the third and voluntary sector. She is also interested in how employee-generated data, such as complaints or reports, can be used to inform safer and healthier workplace policies, practices and training.